The start of a new year is always a great time for reflection and goal setting. This year, an open invitation to apply for one of the 200 free #ETTGoogle Jamboree slots nudged me into action.
In the process of brainstorming some desired outcomes--and direct actions that I'd need to take-- in order to make 2015 the best year for my students' learning, I created an animated infographic that showcases my plan for the year!
I started by creating the image that you see below, by playing with the Grafio app. This took much longer that I'd expected, because my first attempts lacked cohesion and were too distracting to depict a concerted attempt at focused reflection. (FLOG Alert: If I'd spent more time pre-writing, I wouldn't have had to make so many revisions on the graphic!)

The addition of a photograph, depicting my latest e-textile, required that I create a new project! I'll be the first to admit that this hat is not as neat as it could be. My stitches are large and unwieldy. But, wasn't it the insightful Voltaire who advised that perfection is the enemy of finished...or something like that? Just for kicks, I coded the tune, "Don't Stop Believing," and upload it to my hat. (See my application video below.)
After completing the graphic, I decided that I'd be happier with it if I added some movement. This I accomplished by using the props in DoInk animation. Once I was satisfied, I imported the clip into iMovie, added a tune that I created on Garage Band, and voila! It was this video that I submitted as my final application.
The animated version may be viewed above (but it's easier to see at full-screen).
While I am hopeful that I will be one of the lucky few selected to attend the conference, the time I invested in the application will serve me and my students well in 2015, as well as allowing me to put my money where my mouth is.
Update: I'm Going! I'm SO excited!
Post Reflection
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