Sunday, September 28, 2014

Technology is Only a Tool (30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day 28)

Respond:  Should technology drive curriculum, or vice versa?

Technology is a tool.  Therefore, it should help to advance curriculum, not drive it.  The questions students answer and the concepts that they learn are more important than the tools that they use to do so.  However, students who have access to a variety of tools that they are adept at using are better equipped to address their conceptual understanding than those with more limited access and experience.

An artist working in a fully equipped studio, for example, has a variety of tools from which to choose to create beautiful works of art.  Access to tools such as paint and brushes, clay, paper, glitter, and glue, can allow more room for experimentation and creation than access to only a pencil.  While the pencil may be an adequate tool for self-expression, it may not be the best one for encouraging collaboration.

Dr. Wes Fryer's book, Mapping Media to the Common Core:  Vol. 1, does a thorough job of demonstrating a variety of mediums that students can use to communicate and demonstrate their learning using a host of technological tools.  This post on Edutyopia also does a thorough job of addressing this issue.

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