Saturday, November 8, 2014

Memorable Moment (30 Day Blogging Challenge #8)

Today's prompt: 

Write about a memorable moment in the classroom and how it reminded you about why you love what you do.

Dancing Statues by dixie_law, on Flickr

Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic License   by  dixie_law 

I am inspired by this prompt, my mind flooded with memories.  In the interest of brevity, however, I am focusing upon one that represents joy, acceptance, and a time when dancing and getting a little silly with my students led to one of my favorite teaching experiences.  

Several years ago, while teaching my first class of seventh graders about the fall of the Roman Empire, I choreographed a dance that came to be known as the "Poopy Emperor Dance."

Set to the They Might Be Giants rendition of, "Istanbul Not Constantinople," the routine involved a series of hand and body motions symbolizing challenges that led to the eventual fall of Rome.  One gesture, symbolizing Rome's string of weak, corrupt leaders, linked the "poopy" Emperor Commodus to a giant swirling toilet bowl (Toilet = Commode).  Other moves represented economic problems, mercenary armies, and Rome's expansive, unwieldy size. 

The routine was goofy, but my students loved the song and dance so much that they asked the DJ at one of their school dances to play it so they could go out on the floor and perform it in front of their friends on other teams. 

My students made learning and teaching fun!  I will never forgot that crew.

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